Sunday, 19 September 2010

Audience Research & Audience Interviews

Audience Research:

This is our Questionnaire which we Distributed out to 30 people to get feedback into what they thought of Documentaries, and also by tailoring it towards are Documentary to get a feeling of the attitudes the audience would feel about the discussions. We could then use this information to produce our Documentary to meet their criteria, It is a blank form with the amount that we tallied from the 30 Questionnaires. And used charts to represent the data that we collected, In order for us to be able to read the information in a quicker way.


) Are you Male or Female ?

2) What is the stereo typical person to get a tattoo?

Preppy Mosher’s Indie Biker

3) What's your favorite colour?

Red Blue Black Green Yellow Orange Purple Pink

4) What's your favorite song at the moment?

Jordin Sparks: Tattoo Rihanna- Rudeboy

5) What channel do you watch most regular?

BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 Channel4 FIVE

6) What time do you usually watch television?

Morning Day Evening Night

7) What do you prefer out of these?

Black Tattoo Colour Tattoo Patterned Tattoo

8) Would you recommend someone to have a Tattoo?

Yes No

9) What gender voice do you think would be a good narrative for a Documentary on Tattoo's?

Male Female

10) Do you have any Tattoos?

Yes No

11) Which Celebrity Tattoos Do you like?

Travis McCoy’s Cheryl Coles Jodie Marsh Rihanna’s Robbie Williams

12) What type of Tattoo would you get?

13) How much do you think a Tattoo Costs on average?

14) Do you know the legal age limit of getting a Tattoo?

15) What do you think is the most popular place to have a Tattoo?

16) Do you think most tattoos have a certain meaning?

Yes No

17) How many Tattoos do you think are too much?

1-5 5-10 10-15 15-20

18) Do you think Tattoos are self harm?

Yes No

19) Do you think the media put a bad image on Tattoos?

Yes No

20) Do you think more men or women get Tattoos?

Men Women

As you can see, there were more males interviewed than females. This means that the outcome may be slightly one sided and more male based.

With question two we can see that many people believe that a biker is the most stereotypical type of person to get a tattoo. There is also the idea that many people believe that preppy people are not the type of people to get a tattoo. This means that we may have to interview people who look as if they have a tattoo or want to get a tattoo.

As you can see from the graph above, the people we interviewed mainly favoured the colour blue. This will be useful as we now know that if we put the colour orange, the least liked colour, as our background colour, then people will be less likely to watch it. They may also be less interested and switch off.

As there are only two choices for our opening song, you can see that it was not a good idea. However many people believed that Rudeboy was our audiences favourite. This is a good choice as it is upbeat and will keep people interested.

Our target audience prefer Channel 4 as it is controversial and is more related to what our audience wants. This is good as we would like our documentary to be broadcast on Channel 4 as it is different from the usual documentaries we see.

Our target audience prefer watching TV watching during the evening. This is when they get home from college/university and have time to ‘wind down’ and relax. This is not too good as we would like our documentary to be broadcast at 9 o clock which is later then their preferred time.

As you can see from the graph above, many of our audience prefer black style of tattoos. Because we aim to cover all aspects of tattooing, this is a good thing as we will be able to discuss this within an interview or voice over.

Many of our target audience would recommend a friend to get a tattoo. This will help us to find people with tattoos and show many different things on the subject itself.

Our audience believe that it is better for a man to narrate our documentary and not a woman. This is an insight into the world of tattoos as men are mostly associated to the world of tattoos. We can also use this to please the audience and find a man to be our narrator.

The majority of our target audience do not have tattoos. This shows that it very one sided as many people do not know what its like to get a tattoo. We now will be able to show the audience what its like to get a tattoo and allow them to make their own opinion.

This shows us that there is a preference to Travis McCoy and all his tattoos. This is good as we can use this in part of the voice over. Other people also prefer Cheryl Cole’s tattoos. This is good as it shows its not just men who get tattoos.

As we can see from this, many of our target audience would prefer to get a tattoo that is an image of some sorts. We can use this to our advantage and find statistics that will allow us to either prove this opinion true or show them otherwise.

Many people have decided that £20 is the average cost of a tattoo nowadays. There is also a large amount of people that don’t know. We can use this to our advantage and tell them in our voice over the actual average. I believe that you pay for what you get when it comes to tattoos as not all of them will cost the same.

From looking at this graph, we can see that many people know the actual answer. This is good as we may not have to explain this in our documentary. However it would be a good idea if we did to allow other people the knowledge of the legal age limit.

Our target audience believe that the most popular place to get a tattoo is the arm. We can use this in our documentary effectively and tell people the actual most popular place to get a tattoo.

Many people believe that tattoos have a certain meaning. We can find out on a certain person if each tattoo they have has a meaning and use this well in our documentary. We can also show if people just get tattoos because they like them.

This shows us that people believe that 15 – 20 tattoos is too many. To back this point up we can use vox pops and find out what the public feels about this subject. We can also as a tattoo artist and get their opinion.

This shows us that the majority of our target audience believe tattoos to be self harm. We can either prove or deny this point in not only vox pops but also when interviewing experts. It also shows us that many people believe tattoos to be bad.

This is an almost equal graph on whether the media puts a bad image on tattoos. This shows us that our audience is almost equally divided and we can use this to show the media effects. This will help us to enforce the balanced idea of the media.

This graph is very one sided and shows that out target audience believed that men were more likely to get a tattoo than women. We can use this to our advantage because we can find statistics on this. It is also a very stereotypical outcome, as in films and TV you always see very butch, tattooed men as villains.

Audience Interviews:

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